Graduate Students: Are you tired of getting your papers back from your ESL Methods or ESL Theory instructors only to file them away where no one else will ever read them?
ESL Professionals: Have you ever wished there was a place to publish some of your ideas about teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language?
WVESL Journal is interested in publishing your practical papers (lesson plans, classroom handouts) as well as more theoretical pieces (literature reviews, research proposals, discussions of theory). Reviews and critiques of books, teaching materials, and software are also welcome. As a rule-of-thumb, if you think your article will be of interest to other ESL/EFL students or professionals, submit it. Chances are very good that you will have your work published on-line.
- J. Bicknell
WVESL Journal
405-A Allen Hall
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-6122.
WVESL Journal accepts submissions of previously unpublished materials only. We will assume that the copyright on any submissions belong to the author(s). We do not take responsibility for submission of previously copyright material. WVESL Journal does not retain copyrights on the materials we publish: the copyright remains with the original author(s). Materials published in WVESL Journal will carry a disclaimer similar to the following:
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WVESL Journal Contents
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- Submission Guidelines
WVESL Journal Editor: Jerome H. Bicknell
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in electronic form, or in print if you're not selling it. On the WWW, however, you must link here rather than putting this up as your own page.
This page was last updated on 19 February 1998.