West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506

IEP-Online is your source for information about the Intensive English Program at West Virginia Universtiy and about our host community: Morgantown, West Virginia

July 1997

Vol 1: Issue 1

Photo Album
IEP-Online Staff
Virtual Morgantown


The SunSpot a regional magazine


College of Arts & Sciences

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The Editor

About these pages:

As a part of the summer Intensive English Program (IEP) at West Virginia University (WVU), a small group of students worked together on a project to collect and make available information about the IEP. "What would you have liked to have known about WVU, the IEP and Morgantown before you left your home country?" This was the question that guided our information-gathering activities. The results are the content of these pages. We hope that the information we have gathered will help to answer some of your questions about Morgantown and the Intensive English Program at West Virginia University.

[Click here for more information about the Editorial Team]

IEP Students participate in Multi-Cultural Camp

Every summer, there is a camp for West Virginia high school students to learn about other countries and cultures. This year again, some of the Intensive English Program students decided to participate.

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This page last updated on 8 August 1997.

Copyright ©1997 Intensive English Program, West Virginia University.