Proposal Information
Presentation Format (Check One):
_____ Lecture and Discussion (20 min. lecture, 10 min. discussion) | ||
_____ Workshop (70 min.) |
_____ Panel (70 min.) | |
_____ Open Discussion (30 min.) |
_____ Other (please explain) | |
Intended Audience(s): |
_____ K-12 |
_____ Higher Education |
_____ Adult Education & Literacy |
Title (10 or fewer words):
Overhead projector required? Yes No
Presenter Information
Name of First Presenter:
School/Institutional Affiliation:
Contact Address:
Name of Second Presenter:
School/Institutional Affiliation:
If necessary, please include additional presenter information on the back of this page.
Summary & Abstract: On a separate 81/2 by 11 sheet, please include the title, a summary (of not more than 30 words) and an abstract (of not more than 200 words) of your presentation.
Do not include a name on the Summary & Abstract page.
Please send completed forms to Dara Shaw, P.O. Box 6297, Eiesland Hall, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506-6297, or fax to: (304) 293 8642.